Keep my name out yo' mouth! He has been vilified yet he's not the villain. People were clamoring for his ouster saying the league should consider his behavior exigent. He has caused Cincinnatians to feel repugnant for all things Pittsburgh, yet Joey Porter never played a down this past Saturday or two Sundays ago. In my youth growing up in Avondale and seeing the street game unfiltered on Rockdale and Burnet, Rockdale and Reading and several other local intersections, it always lead with the basic premise, he who controls the mind controls the action. If you don't like what I'm doing step off; if you're not down with me, later. If you're not on board, no biggie. But, Keep my name out yo' mouth! Translation: Do you; mind your own business; focus on what you want.
For all the alleged talent, coaching and knowledgeable people I know in and around football in this town, I am amazed at how effective Joey Porter was over a 3 week period in riling up Bengal Nation. For me it was embarrassing to watch such an obvious street strategy permeate the Jungle and beyond to the point of continued loss of focus. We previously fell for the banana in the tailpipe in week 14 and the players said post game the days after we realize we fell into the trap and got away from playing football. If we play them again we know what to do. But you didn't do it...
"If you can keep your head when all around you, are losing theirs and blaming it on Joey Porter, err you..." my apologies to Rudyard Kipling but I hope the point is starting to come into focus. You showed disdain for his supporting role in the touchdown dance at the expense of A.J. McCarron the last time we played, confirming that his actions rankle yours; and as if you were running low on hate for Porter he gives you enough fuel this past Saturday to ensure it will be there for their first encounter next season.
Don't hate the player, hate the game. For those that don't know, the rules were in place before Joey Porter arrived on the scene on how to manipulate the mind. So while he leveraged it beautifully, you didn't have to dance when the music was played. Several years ago I modified the quote to say "Don't hate the player, don't hate the game; hate that you got in it." Because when you get in the head game and can't control your emotions you lose. You'll always lose plain and simple.
"I can't control what you say but I can control how I respond", is a quote used in a training I do called Connecting With Others by Ralph Brandt based on treatment and response. It simply shines the light on how we, once we're engaged, have to take responsibility for our own actions and not those of others. Our actions were without control throughout the game especially at the end of the game when Joey Porter, aka Dark Vader, Potty Mouth P, Captain Piss Me Off or whatever colorful name you gave him stepped on the field minus his Pimp Cup (Translation: Diamond encrusted Chalis) but with mental game in tow. And he needed some victims. Some weak mind-in-the-moment players to drop game on and ruffle their feathers. He found a couple and they found didn't find the yellow brick road but the yellow flag allowing Joey Porter in his Bishop Don Juan voice to say "Give me them 15 yards beee-yatch!" Now let me get back over here and kick it with my fellas.
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I've heard the media, coaches, fans and players spew Joey Porter's name across every available blog, TV, paper, social media thread and bar over the last three days causing us to perhaps miss some great events in the process. Media; I get it because ratings are driven by controversy most times. Fans certainly have shown that football is life with their hatred and ill feelings toward the Black and Yellow and Porter. But players and coaches? That is not supposed to happen. Stay focused, laugh at Joey and say "No way Jose'." We all remember that quote and life lesson at some point which is "You can't argue by yourself." But when you get an audience...
When I heard a coaches comments about Porter being an embarrassment to the coaching profession I realized the effects of his strategy went further than I thought possible. Win, lose or draw I would never let his name role off my tongue giving credence to the fact he's being thought of if at all. Thank goodness Coach Lewis knows that simple fact. I remember when people made me mad, upset and my mentor would say you know you're the only one upset because they're all somewhere enjoying life while you're upset and out of sorts. Yep; I changed that and the Bengals have to as well. While we're raising hell, starting petitions, blaming the refs and cursing Joey Porter and the Steelers, they're sitting back eating a nice meal, having a beer and preparing to play the Broncos. It doesn't matter if they lose because they weren't supposed to be in the playoffs and have now advanced to the second round. We were not only supposed to be in the playoffs but potentially get to the Super Bowl.
So Cincinnati Bengals; Bengal Fans; Bengal media, may I offer one last piece of advice? Joey Porter is not our problem, we are. We fumbled 5 times and lost 3, one late in the game. We were accused of targeting a defenseless receiver with a player who will never get the benefit of the doubt; we run into the tunnel after an interception with time still left on the clock as if we had already won the game (fortunately we got no excessive celebration penalty) showing our immaturity. We had 8 penalties for 79 yards 30 of them at the end of the game which ultimately sealed our fate and elevated our acrimonious feelings toward Joey Porter and the Pittsburgh Steelers in the process.
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Cincinnati today we should have a funeral for the antics of Joey Porter and give birth to a renewed focus on all things Cincinnati Bengals. One thing I love about Coach Lewis is he only talks about the Bengals and Bengal players in the moment. He knows you don't give the opponent the time of day, but your best effort. I am very confident next year the Steelers will not only get our best effort but one that doesn't involve mentioning...what's his name? I forgot already. That's the way I see it sitting in The Box Seat. I'm Wayne Box Miller.
Great article Box!
Great article Box!
As nailed it, Nephew!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFlip the bat, Box....
ReplyDeleteThank you! As a STEELERS fan and a football fanatic it's refreshing to see the issue at hand addressed instead of pointing fingers! Accept your responsibility; put on your BIG BOY pants and learn to never fall for the "okey doke"! Lol in all honesty I was headed to the door black and gold ass dragging until they took the bait and gave us the win!!! PRIMANTI BROTHERS SANDWICHES FOR EVERYONE!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you! As a STEELERS fan and a football fanatic it's refreshing to see the issue at hand addressed instead of pointing fingers! Accept your responsibility; put on your BIG BOY pants and learn to never fall for the "okey doke"! Lol in all honesty I was headed to the door black and gold ass dragging until they took the bait and gave us the win!!! PRIMANTI BROTHERS SANDWICHES FOR EVERYONE!!!
ReplyDeleteAmen! Amen! AMEN!
ReplyDeleteLove my Bengals, but I was so disappointed and angry with their behavior at the end of that game, I couldn't speak for hours. No way in the world GROWN MEN, PROFESSIONAL athletes should do the things they did.
Great piece, Box. Pulitzer material!